Benchmarks: Week Seven

Aaron 1Welcome to Phuket Fit’s weight loss and fitness blog. I’m your host, Aaron Rowland. I’m a 27-year-old writer from Los Angeles, California. I’m at Phuket Fit to lose weight, improve my fitness and have the adventure of a lifetime. I’ve been here nine months so far and I’m staying indefinitely. My favorite exercises are the bicycle crunch and the medicine ball slam. Tire flips, suicide planks and burpees give me nightmares.

Pushing Through Adversity

It can be tough to come back and train hard after seeing a gain on the scale, even a small one. You think you’re doing everything right and can get concerned you aren’t seeing the results you might have hoped for. It’s important not to let one bad week slow down your progress or discourage you from pushing forward. Weight loss and healthy living isn’t something you accomplish and then forget, its something you need to maintain for a lifetime. In the greater scheme of things, one week is nothing. Keep working hard and you’ll get to where you want to be with the determination to make it last.

Aaron 2Training Without A Gym

Bright and early last Monday morning, I boarded two planes and a bus for Savannakhet, Laos. I needed to do a “visa run”, which is when you leave the country to get a new visa or extend your current visa. I needed to be there for a full four days (including travel time) to apply for a new visa and wait for it to get approved. Away from the safety and comfort of Phuket Fit classes, I had to improvise my workouts. Using the stairs in the hotel/casino as a makeshift stair climber and some dirt roads nearby as a running trail. You don’t always need access to fancy equipment or trainers to get a workout in. Once you learn the fundamentals, you can turn any location into an ideal fitness environment.

Aaron 3Gambling On The Buffett

Another challenge with being away from Phuket Fit was eating healthy. Included with my visa run, was three buffets a day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Anyone who’s tried to lose weight before knows that buffets can be both tricky and dangerous. You never know what specific ingredients they’ve used and what style of cooking has been used to prepare a dish. A seemingly healthy piece of fish could have been pan fried in unhealthy oils and covered in salt or butter. When eating at a buffet, its best to stick with safe options like salad or lean meat that has clearly been baked, broiled or grilled.

Aaron 4The End Of Week Seven

Stepping onto the scale, I felt an extra pressure to perform well after last week’s poor results. Needless to say, I felt a huge sense of both relief and accomplishment to see that I had lost 2.2 KGs (5 LBS) during the week I’d been away from camp. So even if I factor in the 0.6 KG gain from last week, I have still lost 0.8 KGs (2 LBS) a week for the last two weeks. That’s a reality of weight loss. As they say: Failure isn’t falling down, it’s refusing to get back up. It may sound corny, but its true. Never give up on yourself! If you dont believe in yourself, no one else will either.

What’s Up Next?

Aaron 5This last weekend was one of fun in the sun. I took another trip up to the wake-park on Saturday and now I’ve got a full week of training ahead of me. It feels great to be back at Phuket Fit and I’m thrilled to be back amongst friends. I really can’t overstate how much it pushes me in my training to be surrounded by a likeminded group of fitness enthusiasts who wake up each morning ready to train. It’s a perfect supportive environment for losing weight and building a healthier life.

Have a great week of weight loss! If you set your mind on it, I know you can do it!

Whos That? An Interview With Customer Service Manager Joey Angeles

Joey 1Originally hired to handle Phuket Fit’s guest relations, Joey was promoted to Customer Service Manager in April of this year. Born in the Philippines to a Thai mother, Joey moved to Thailand almost six years ago. Having previously worked in public relations and the arts, Joey’s knowledge base is wide. She describes her main job duty as making sure that there are way more smiles at camp, then there are frowns. Joey’s favorite exercise is doing pad work with the Muay Thai trainers and her least favorite exercises are pull-ups and running.

 How do you spend the average workday at Phuket Fit?

All of us in the office do a little bit of everything. We have specific roles to fill but we all help each other out to ensure a positive guest experience. I spend my mornings responding to Phuket Fit email, fan page questions and forum queries. I send out photographs, testimonials and updates from the camp to our Director of Communication. I also do a bit of graphic design work and help our Front Desk Officers in providing information and assisting them in case of guest grievances. That’s just a few of my duties. You might also recognize my voice on the intercom system announcing upcoming events, fights and fun trips around Phuket.

Joey 2What did you do prior to working at Phuket Fit?

I used to work for this PR firm in Bangkok and also worked as an Assistant Art Teacher at Ruamrudee International School of Thailand.

How did you first find out about Phuket Fit?

I had just received my degree and was looking to travel before hunting for a job. A good friend of mine suggested going to a Muay Thai Camp. I searched online for camps and saw Phuket Fit’s website. I thought it was the best one since it not only offered Muay Thai but also Fitness Classes.  I can honestly say that it was a life changing experience. I’ve attained a great level of fitness and have made lifelong friends.

What kind of questions do you frequently get from guests?

“Will I really lose weight here?” and the answer is definitely yes! I have seen it happen so many times and that’s what makes the job so gratifying. I love seeing our guests reach their goals whether it is losing weight or learning a new sport. I’ve seen guest start with almost nothing and transform to something really great. They become more optimistic and confident.

Joey 3What do you think surprises guests the most once they get to Phuket Fit?

How big the camp is, but also how supportive everyone is of each other. First time guests also get a bit intimidated by the number of fit and “ripped” individuals in camp, but they all had to start somewhere. It shouldn’t intimidate you, because it should inspire you!

What advice would you give someone whos preparing to train at Phuket Fit?

You have to really want it… the positive change. A proper mental attitude is more important than just having the physical capacity to do things.

Have any weight loss tips that youd like to share for people struggling with weight loss?

There’s a reason why a cheat day is not in the plural form “cheat days”. Eat right and get good food in you. Diet plays a key role in weight loss.

Whats one mistake you see people make when trying to lose weight while at Phuket Fit?

Joey 4

Some people will over-train and then eat high-calorie meals. Calories are the basic unit of energy and it is essential to maintain the bodys vital functions by getting nutrition from the right sources. It’s not hard to figure out the difference between a cheat meal and a healthy meal.

Do you have any other advice for someone who might be looking at TMT for fitness or weight loss?

You have to take the leap. Help yourself and we will help you. Invest your time at Phuket Fit and we will give you the best return on your investment.  A healthier you and a whole lot of fun!

Challenges: Ebrahim Five Weeks In Paradise

 Ebrahim 1A thirty-three-year old from Kuwait, Abdulrahman Alebrahim (Or Ebrahim as he goes by at Phuket Fit) is spending his next five weeks training at Phuket Fit. Having picked up some bad food and exercise habits while working as a banker, Ebrahim is determined to change that. So here he is at Phuket Fit working with celebrity fitness trainer Ocean Bloom to create a new healthier man. Having been at Phuket Fit for the last ten days, Ebrahim has been taking a variety of classes and has been pushing his limits daily. His favorites exercise has been the Beach session during the Thursday morning body fit class and he says he struggles the most with tough upper body exercises.

How did you first hear about Phuket Fit?

I was looking for a boot camp, and one of the countries I was looking at was Thailand. I found Ocean’s boot camp and I decided to come.

How do you feel about it so far?

Ebrahim 2

It’s great. I’m so happy because now I’m at an area where all the people come to train. There’s always someone training and that pushes you to train here.

Have you set any goals for yourself to work toward while you’re training?

Sure. I want to lose weight, but the main thing I want to do, is to be able to do this in my country when I’m home. I have to work from the morning to the evening, so I want to be able to work out when I get home. In five weeks I want to shift my ability to do that.

How do you feel about that goal now that you’ve started training?

I’ve already seen a big difference. On my first two days, I felt like I was done after only five minutes of the warm up. Now I can finish the class and do another class after. I don’t know what will happen the rest of my time here, but I think it will be good.

What classes have you been taking?

I’ve been doing lots of different classes. Yoga, body fit, cross training, boxing and working with weights.

Ebrahim 3

Has anything surprised you about Phuket Fit?

I’m coming for a boot camp, so I was expecting it would be a closed-in area with a very small group, but when I came here I found out there were many people and things around to do. Lots of people living here doing very different things. I’m enjoying that very much.

Would you recommend Phuket Fit to someone thinking about coming?

Yes. I’m so happy here. I want to thank everyone here for pushing me all the time.