Benchmarks: Week Ten

Benchmarks 1Welcome to Phuket Fit’s weight loss and fitness blog. I’m your host, Aaron Rowland. I’m a 27-year-old writer from Los Angeles, California. I’m at Phuket Fit to lose weight, improve my fitness and have the adventure of a lifetime. I’ve been here nine months so far and I’m staying indefinitely. My favorite exercises are the bicycle crunch and the medicine ball slam. Tire flips, suicide planks and burpees give me nightmares.

Cleaning Up

After a decent week of weight loss, I had to start preparing myself for the week to come. Instead of intense fitness classes and a high-protein diet, I would be relaxing all week surviving on just raw fruits and vegetables. The time had finally come to do a cleanse. With my cleanse set to start on Tuesday, I had to spend the next four days after the weigh in preparing my body. No more dairy. No more meat. Pretty much, no more fun.

Benchmarks 2For four days I needed to only eat raw fruits and vegetables. If I wanted something to drink, no more reaching for a Diet Coke. All water and juice, all the time. It wasn’t bad, but I think I relied on juice too much. I think I might have even gained a pound or two during the pre-cleanse from a huge increase in natural sugars. I wasn’t too concerned about that, though. I knew I’d be losing it quickly over the week to follow.

Getting Adjusted To A New Routine

It feels a bit weird to go from a hectic schedule of training to a relaxed flexible schedule. It almost takes a day or two just for the mind and body to slow down it’s pace. During the first few days of the detox at Atmanjjai, things went very smoothly. Doing the pre-cleanse helped me avoid many of the severe withdrawal symptoms people often associate with wellness detoxes. No headaches, no stomach cramps and I also didn’t suffer very strong cravings for salty and fatty foods.

Benchmarks 4That’s not to say certain things didn’t require some patience and dedication. As any dieter knows, it’s hard not to be able to eat the things you crave. Plus, while the colema is beneficial to your digestive health, it still isn’t the world’s most pleasant experience. That having been said, the first three days of the detox had gone well and I was excited to step on the scale.

The End Of Week Ten

I step on the scale and discover that I’m at 109.4 KG, which means I’ve lost 1.1 KGs (2.4 LBS). Not terrible, but not as much weight as I’d been hoping considering how cleanly I’d been eating. As I said above, I think I probably put on a pound or two during my pre-cleanse. So I’m not too disappointed in the results. Upward and onward.

Benchmarks 3What’s Up Next?

Tune in on Wednesday for an article summing up the rest of my experience detoxing at Atmanjai, and then check back next Monday for my Week 11 weigh-in to see how the second half of the detox affected my weight! We’ll also be presenting an interview with a current Phuket Fit guest on Friday, so be sure to check that out.

Have a great week of weight loss! If you set your mind on it, I know you can do it!

Whats That? Cross Training At Phuket Fit

Phuket Fit offers Cross Training every day Monday through Friday from 1:30PM to 2:30 PM and from 2:45 PM to 3:45 PM. The two classes are identical, but split to keep class sizes small. No previous experience or fitness background is needed and the classes are held on the cross training mats past the MMA cage. No special equipment is needed to participate, but it’s a good idea to bring water and a small towel. Phuket Fit instructor, Kitty Teppo, explains Cross Training below.

What is Cross Training?

It’s a constantly evolving strength and conditioning program where we implement everything from body weight exercises to Olympic weightlifting to barbell complexes and more. It consists of functional movements done at a high intensity designed to improve your life.

How do classes start?

Typically we start by introducing the workout. We’ll explain what the workout is for the day and then we warm up. Depending on the workout, we might work through a basic skill. For example, if the workout calls for handstand pushups, then we will work on developing that skill after the warm-up.

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What are the warm-ups like?

If it’s a short workout we’ll do a long warm up. If it’s a long workout, then we’ll do a shorter warm up. Maybe even just a lap of the camp. The warm up can consist of anything from mobility work with the PVC pipe, dynamic stretching, running and more. We’ll usually try to integrate the movements from the workout into the warm-up.

What do the main workouts look like?

It can be anything. Absolutely anything. It changes every single class. You will only ever do a workout more than once if we are doing it for comparison purposes to see how much you’ve improved during your time at Phuket Fit. Other than that it’s constantly varied. Running, rowing, dead lifts, pull ups, box jumps, etc. Then it’s all put together in a way that makes sense.

Are the workouts timed?

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Most of them are timed, but in different ways. You might be going “for time”, like complete a certain number of rounds as fast as you can and then you’re finished. Other workouts are allotted a certain amount of time. You keep going and work out as hard as you can for an allotted period of time, regardless of your speed.

What’s the difference between body fit and cross training?

Body fit is more of a core and cardio workout. It really focuses on those two things. In some ways, it’s very much like a boot camp. The afternoon classes are more intense but can also be shorter. We only do functional movements, the things that you’ll need to master for regular life. The dead lift, for example… you use it every day when you pick things up off the ground. It’s all about functional high intensity movements. We also tend to integrate barbells and other tools we don’t use in the mornings.

Is Cross Training good for weight loss?

Cross Training is good for everyone. There are a lot of rumors around camp that the class is intense and that’s true. But we scale the workouts for beginners. The Olympic lifting might intimidate a lot people, but those workouts are only for the advanced section of the class. The beginner’s workout will be similar, but will use kettlebells or dumbbells in place of the barbell. And we scale the weight to whatever level you need.

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What if someone is just at the beginning of his or her weight loss journey?

It doesn’t matter. If you can’t do a pull-up we have options. We have resistance bands that can help you do a pull-up or you can do jumping pull-ups. If you can’t do a burpee, we have scaled versions of burpees. Everything can be customized to a person’s needs. It doesn’t matter what your fitness level is, there’s something for everyone.

Whos That? An Interview With Krabi Krabong and Muay Boran Instructor Kru Oh

Oh 1A 38-year-old from the north-east of Thailand, Kru Oh has been a fixture at Phuket Fit since it’s early day. Joining Phuket Fit only a year after it started, Kru Oh then took two years off to intensely study the practice of Muay Boran. Kru Oh teaches the Krabi Krabong class, the Muay Boran class and also helps out with the beginner Muay Thai class. He has now been at Phuket Fit for over six years.

What did you do prior to working at Phuket Fit?

I worked in fitness and scuba diving.

When did you first start studying Krabi Krabong?

I started Krabi Krabong before I came to Phuket. I used to do stunts, and some stunt workers in Phuket did Krabi Krabong. I asked them to take me to their master. Their master is a policeman, so he doesn’t have much time to train, so we could only train in the evening time. I trained with him for 2 years, then after that I went to Bangkok to learn more.

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Did you learn Muay Boran at the same time?

I learned some Muay Boran when I was young, for exercise because I was weak, but I didn’t get serious with it until I learned it a few years ago. I did not like it when I was young, but my grandfather pushed me into it.

What advice would you give someone whos preparing to train at Phuket Fit?

Normally we teach from the basics, but if you want to understand Muay Thai maybe try Muay Boran first so you can practice the movements, which will make it easier.

Have any weight loss tips that youd like to share for people struggling with weight loss?

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Normally in Thailand the weather helps. Also, the food is fresh and it helps you lose weight. The program at Phuket Fit helps push you in cardio. If you want to lose weight you should focus on cardio. Body fit is big cardio. Also what you do in Muay Thai is a lot of cardio. Not much cardio for Muay Boran, but it is good for beginners or if you are injured.

Whats one mistake you see people make when trying to lose weight while at Phuket Fit?

They try to focus too much on lose weight, but don’t care about their body. They get hurt. The main thing is the technique you use. You need to understand Muay Thai first, and then losing weight is easier. First learn the technique, how to kick and how to punch correctly.

You have to spend energy and then you get fat burning. Focus on doing it right!

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