Benchmarks: Week Twelve

Welcome to Phuket Fit’s weight loss and fitness blog. I’m your host, Aaron Rowland. I’m a 27-year-old writer from Los Angeles, California. At my heaviest weight eighteen-months ago, I weighed in at 160 KGs.  I’m here at Phuket Fit to lose weight, improve my fitness and have the adventure of a lifetime. I’ve been here ten months so far and I’m staying indefinitely. My favorite exercises are the bicycle crunch and the medicine ball slam. Tire flips, suicide planks and burpees give me nightmares.

Back Into A Routine

Fresh off my weeklong detox and ready to train full-time, I decided it was time to get into my usual routine. Body fit in the mornings, a light breakfast, cross training in the afternoons, a healthy lunch, and then a few hours of rest before a small dinner. Doesn’t sound all that exhausting, but trust me, it can really take it out of you. The classes at Phuket Fit are intense and require a great deal of rest and recovery to prevent injury or muscle fatigue.

Getting Stronger

On Saturday, I took another trip to the wake park with friends and did some wakeboarding. It had been well over a month and a half since my last experience there, and I could really tell a big difference in my strength and ability. Over 5 kilos lighter and a good deal stronger, I was able to get a lot further on the course and found launching off the dock to be easier than I previously had. It was such a good experience; I even treated myself to a couple drinks afterward at a beach club.

Knowing When To Slow Down

When you’re training 5-6 days a week, multiple times a day, it’s important to listen to your body. If your mind says “stop,” you might be able to push harder and test your limits. If your body tells you to stop, on the other hand, it’s important to do so. Overtraining can quickly lead to injuries and illness. It’s a lot better to miss a class because you feel to sore or exhausted to participate, than it is to spend weeks away from training due to mistreating your body.

The End Of Week Twelve

I step up on the scale and discover I’m down 0.8 KGs (1.7 LBS) this week. While its not as high as my usual weekly total can be, I’m thrilled to be losing weight at a steady pace, now that I’ve returned to my pre-detox routine. I was definitely worried that my body might be resistant to burning fat after a week of super-clean eating, but that’s clearly not the case. If I can keep going at the pace I am now, I should definitely be at my goal weight of 85 KGS (187 LBs) by the end of the year.

What’s Up Next?

This last weekend was the monthly BBQ beat down, which often means alcohol and poor food choices are on the cards. They certainly were this time. What that means, though, is I need to work extra hard this week to make up for the extra calories consumed. Can I burn them off and have another great week on the scale? I guess we’ll see next week! Until then…

Have a great week of weight loss! If you set your mind on it, I know you can do it!

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