Victories: Sara Ahariz – Four Months To A New Perspective

Sara 1A twenty-three-year-old home care worker from Denmark, Sara has lost a lot of weight and has rediscovered herself at Phuket Fit. She likes Phuket Fit so much; she doesn’t even know when she’s going to leave! Sara’s favorite part about training at Phuket Fit is that she’s able to get out anger and aggression during Muay Thai training. She says it’s important not to focus on anyone else’s training, but to simply be as focused and hardworking as you can be!

What first made you want to come to Phuket Fit?

I hadn’t heard about Phuket Fit until I searched on the internet and found it about a year ago. I was down on the bottom in life and I felt very depressed. I came to Phuket Fit to save myself. I’ve been here four months now and I don’t know when I’m going to leave.

When you arrived at Phuket Fit did you set any goals for yourself?

My main goal was to clean my mind and my heart. I also wanted to lose weight, but the most important thing was to gain some self-control and to be in charge of my own actions.

Four months later, how do you feel about those goals?

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I feel great. I have done more than I thought I would.

What accomplishments at Phuket Fit are you proud of?

Everything. When you come to Phuket Fit, you have the opportunity to fuck up and keep doing what you’re doing at home. Or you can take advantage of being in a new country and meeting new people and having more time. At camp, you have the peace to deal with your personal problems. All problems come from something. Personally, I’m a very deep person and I wasn’t able to be deep back at home because I was busy. So here I took advantage of only being responsible for myself.

What kinds of challenges did you face along the way?

A lot! When you come here, you meet a lot of really nice people. Some people are strong and have focus, but not everyone. Don’t just go with the flow. Some people lose their focus and end up partying all the time and drinking. Some people stay focused. You can choose.

What advice would you give to someone thinking about coming to Phuket Fit?

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Every day I go through all my actions. Every action I do, I think about why I’m doing it. I think, “Sara, you’re in charge.” I have to keep with that. You have to challenge yourself. Sometime you can eat your feelings, so you need to change your thinking. I had to push myself to eat boring things like broccoli and fish every single day. I was constantly talking to myself and learning how to separate real hunger from fake hunger. The mind is stronger than you think. Your body can handle a lot. It’s all about figuring out yourself. Back in Denmark, I worked with Abdel Fitness as a test client. He gave me the training plan and meal plan that Im working on. He has given me incredible support and now its all in my hands to finish.

What surprised you the most about Phuket Fit?

I didn’t really expect anything, but I was surprised there were so many people. We all come here to figure ourselves out in different ways. Life is all about how you look at things. You can look at Phuket Fit as just a training camp, but we really are all the same, just people fighting toward different goals.

Sara 4Do you plan on coming back to Phuket Fit?

Every year.

To find out more about Sara and to continue following her journey, check out her Facebook blog at Sara also wants to thank Abdel Fitness in Denmark for working with her to develop a training plan and a diet plan to help her on her weight loss journey.

Victories: Orzullah Majidi – Fitting Into The Perfect Dress

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Born in Afganistan, Orzullah Majidi moved with her family to the United States when she was only a year old. If growing accustomed to an American lifestyle of burgers and movies wasn’t enough to pack on pounds, moving to Kabul a couple years ago made the situation even tougher. With her workouts limited due to a difficult security situation, her health and physical condition deteriorated. Having been at Phuket Fit for a total of three months, she was recently able to fit into the dress of her dreams on the day of her wedding. She says the burpee is both her favorite and least favorite exercise, due to its grueling but effective intensity.

How did you first hear about Phuket Fit?

Through a friend of mine named Vianni who always goes on fitness holidays. It was two months before my wedding and I was really stressed out. I was under a lot of pressure to look a certain way. I really needed to get away, so I decided Phuket Fit would be killing two birds with one stone. I could hang out on the beach but also get to look great in a wedding dress.

What first made you want to come to Phuket Fit?

A lot of it had to do with the wedding, but really I just needed to make a big change.


When you arrived at Phuket Fit did you set any goals for yourself?

My goals when I first came were all about physical appearance. I had no intention of being healthy, I just wanted to be thin and look good in different outfits. The biggest thing Phuket Fit gave me was the realization that looking good is also about feeling good. It’s fitness and strength. Confidence comes from feeling good and living a healthy life. It’s not all about the numbers on the scale.

You feel like you’ve accomplished what you came here to do?

Definitely. This is the first time I’ve ever traveled alone. In 2005, I didn’t even have a passport, but here I am working out with a bunch of athletes in the jungle. It was very intimidating, but it’s also been very rewarding. Other than the healthy physical condition I’ve built, I’ve also gained a lot of confidence. It’s tough to walk into a camp where its mostly men and there are world class athletes training right next to you, but I did it. You can do it to. It’s amazing.

What accomplishment at Phuket Fit are you most proud of?

Not being afraid on a daily basis. Just continuously going, despite immense fear. Fear holds so many people back from even trying.

What kinds of challenges did you face along the way?

There’s always fatigue. There’s always the bad day where you just want to go home and not do it anymore. There are the scrapes and bruises and injuries along the way that can depress you. That’s the hardest challenge for me, just to keep going.

What classes did you mostly attend?

I loved the yoga. I have to say it’s great for balance, helping you overall with staying focused and not getting injured. I loved the body fit beach workouts. They’re the toughest, but I love them. I really enjoyed western boxing. I also loved BJJ and was surprised how much fun it was.


What advice would you give to someone thinking about coming to Phuket Fit?

Just try it. Just do it. Just walk in and just let go of the fear and anxiety. Go it ready to have fun, believe in yourself and everything else will happen on its own.

Any advice for someone getting ready to come to Phuket Fit?

I guess it would depend on your age. If I had known what my body was like, I would have started taking some joint supplements before coming out. Just from having the extra weight on your joints, they really help. Also start learning to drink water instead of other things like soda.

What surprised you the most about Phuket Fit?

The incredible people I met. You will meet people of all ages, from all over the world. It really adds to the experience.

Did you learn anything at Phuket Fit that you’ll take home with you?

Don’t eat nothing. A lot of time people will slash so many foods out of their diet that they can’t maintain it in the long run. You have to find a happy medium. You can’t deny yourself everything, but you also can’t eat whatever you want, whenever you want. Try to incorporate a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables into your diet.

Tell me about one fun memorable thing that happened at Phuket Fit?

The first time I finished a for-time cross training class. I think you almost have to experience it to understand how significant it was. I always say that Phuket Fit should give me an award for coming in last. Last and proud. So when I finished a class in the allotted time, it really chocked me up. Just finishing the workout in less than thirty minutes next to a bodybuilder and Muay Thai fighter was really special.

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Challenges: Kevin Wyss – Six Months Of Training

A twenty-five-year old systems administrator from Switzerland, Kevin Wyss is spending a total of six months at Phuket Fit. Working in an office, he realized that his weight had slowly started to rise and he has come to Phuket Fit to take care of business. He’s been at Phuket Fit one month so far and he can be found every afternoon in the Beginner’s Muay Thai area working up a sweat. He says that he hasn’t encountered an exercise at Phuket Fit that he didn’t enjoy and that his favorite workout is Muay Thai.

How did you first hear about Phuket Fit?

I read in the newspaper about someone who had been at Phuket Fit and had lost 100KGs in one and a half years. I wanted to try it too. Not to lose 100 KG, but lose some weight.

How did you first hear about Phuket Fit?

I read in the newspaper about someone who had been at Phuket Fit and had lost 100KGs in one and a half years. I wanted to try it too. Not to lose 100 KG, but lose some weight.

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Had you done much exercise before coming to Phuket Fit?

Twice a week I would play some squash with a friend, but nothing else. No other exercise of sports.

Have you ever done martial arts or fighting sports before Phuket Fit?

I did karate a long time ago. I did it for one year, but nothing since I was younger.

Have you set any goals for yourself to work toward while you’re training?

I want to lose 30KGs in the six months that I’m here. I’ve been here one month so far.

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How do you feel about that goal now that you’ve started training?

I feel good. I think I can reach it.

What classes have you been taking?

Right now, I’m doing just the afternoon Muay Thai class. I want to start the body fit in the morning soon.

Are you following any specific diet or food plan?

Yes. I’ve been avoiding carbohydrates and focusing on protein. Things like meat and omelets.

Has anything surprised you about Phuket Fit?

Phuket Fit 2

You meet good people from all over the world. They are very friendly.

Do you have any advice for prospective guests?

In the beginning, it’s very hard. After only five minutes of exercise and you are exhausted. But once you reach week two or three, you feel much better. Like you have more power.

Have any parting thoughts?

I think Muay Thai is the best balance between endurance and power, that’s why I do the Muay Thai classes.